Gisteren kwam het nieuws naar buiten dat evenementen in Nederland tot 1 september officieel afgelast zijn. Dit betekent dat ook Decibel outdoor, één van de populairste weekendfestivals in de hardere stijlen, helaas uitgesteld is tot 2021. 

LEES OOK: B2S presenteert ‘Home Sessions’: “7 dagen, 7 streams, we’ve got you covered!”

Tienduizenden bezoekers komen ieder jaar naar Decibel outdoor op de Beekse Bergen – één van de mooiste party locaties die Nederland te bieden heeft. 3 dagen lang kan je hier het gehele spectrum van de hardere stijlen bewonderen, ondersteund door één van de gezelligste festivalcampings in de scene. Helaas moet dit allemaal nu een jaar uitgesteld worden, door de maatregelen die zijn getroffen om de verspreiding van het coronavirus tegen te gaan.

“Bound by a unified craving for the beat we stood strong together, trying to save the summer. Despite all of our efforts, reality has overtaken us. We have no other choice then to postpone the 2020 edition. The new date of Decibel outdoor will be 20, 21 and 22 of August 2021.
We have put so much love, passion and hard work into Decibel outdoor over the years. The loudest festival on earth has grown into one of the landmarks of the harder styles community. A place where living loud has become a way of life. Where we get lost in city streets and find ourselves connected through the beat. A true sanctuary of sound. We’ve set out to bring you the best experience possible, in the city we all know and love. However, the safety of our visitors, artists and crew is paramount.”

“Bound by a unified craving for the beat we stood strong together, trying to save the summer”

De nieuwe editie van Decibel outdoor zal plaatsvinden op 20, 21 en 22 augustus 2021, waarvoor alle reeds aangeschafte tickets ook weer geldig zullen zijn. Om op de hoogte te blijven van het laatste nieuws, kun je de socials van Decibel outdoor in de gaten houden. Lees de volledige statement hieronder.


Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram


Dear Decibel outdoor fans, It is with a broken heart we write you this update. The world has become a ferocious place. The coronavirus has taken hold on all of us and we’ve never been so far away from normal life. Today, April 21st 2020, the Dutch government announced the extension of its measures concerning the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19). All events scheduled to take place until the end of August are called off. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Bound by a unified craving for the beat we stood strong together, trying to save the summer. Despite all of our efforts, reality has overtaken us. We have no other choice then to postpone the 2020 edition. The new date of Decibel outdoor will be 20, 21 and 22 of August 2021. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We have put so much love, passion and hard work into Decibel outdoor over the years. The loudest festival on earth has grown into one of the landmarks of the harder styles community. A place where living loud has become a way of life. Where we get lost in city streets and find ourselves connected through the beat. A true sanctuary of sound. We’ve set out to bring you the best experience possible, in the city we all know and love. However, the safety of our visitors, artists and crew is paramount. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Even though the situation is beyond our control, we sincerely hope for your understanding and ask for your patience. We can already share that purchased tickets and travel packages will be valid for the 2021 edition. All our ticket buyers will be contacted personally by e-mail, regarding the next steps. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Although we are devastated right now, we will continue our efforts to come back even stronger in a year’s time! In these crazy times we have to find other ways to LIVE LOUD together. Tune in to our home sessions, which will bring exclusive Decibel outdoor content every week on Monday. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Stay home, stay healthy, stay safe and most of all… STAY LOUD ❤️ We will be back stronger than ever, that’s a promise! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ With love, B2S

Een bericht gedeeld door Decibel outdoor (@officialdecibeloutdoor) op

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