Vorige week kwam Deetox met het vreselijke nieuws dat ze was getroffen door de bliksem. Ongelofelijk maar waar. In spanning wachtte de scene af op nieuws en gelukkig werd al snel duidelijk dat ze niet in levensgevaar was. Natuurlijk heeft Diana een flinke weg te gaan om volledig te herstellen, maar volledig herstellen zal ze.

Gisteren plaatste ze zelf een bericht op Facebook over haar toestand:

“Dear friends, fans and colleagues,

Let me begin by saying that I am overwhelmed by all the kind messages, cards, flowers and other gifts from all around the globe. Words can’t express the gratitude I feel when I think about it. Also a big thank you to all the artists, fans and Q-dance for the heart-warming tributes at Defqon.1 weekend festival!

More than one week ago I got struck by lightning when I was walking my dog. Luckily someone saw it happen and called the emergency number. After being reanimated they’ve rushed me into the IC at the hospital. Miraculously enough there isn’t any permanent damage and I definitely had a angel on my shoulder that day.. After 4 days in the hospital they allowed me to continue my recovery at home. It’s going to take a while to fully recover, both mentally and physically.

Again thank you for all the love and support and I can’t wait to ‘Bring the Riot’ again!

PS. The dog is fine”