Rebelion is een naam die de laatste tijd niet onopgevallen is gebleven. De heren uit Schotland zijn in een korte tijd uitgegroeid tot een naam van faam in de scene. Daarnaast staan ze op de line-up van Hard Bass 2017, waar het duo onderdeel zijn van Team Red. Ten slotte brengt het duo hun debuutalbum Uprising binnenkort volledig uit. Kortom, we kunnen niet meer om Rebelion heen. Reden genoeg om de heren wat vragen te stellen over hun album én hun toekomst!
How did you guys meet and how did the act ‘Rebelion’ start?
”The idea of Rebelion started during Hard Bass 2013 at around 5:00 in the morning after a lot of beer. We started to discuss the idea of Rebelion. Once the hangover faded we got in the studio together and started making our first tracks, which were euphoric at that time. We then spent more time experimenting with raw and our first raw track Extermination was born.”
The atmosphere during your set is always so strong and Rebelion grew so quickly lately. How do you think you managed to do so?
”We try to keep our sets as energetic as possible, our sets will be completely different from listening to our tracks at home, we tend to cut parts out of tracks that lose drive! So at a Rebelion set you have no time to breathe…”
The crowd is always really excited when ‘Rebelion’ is on stage. What is the craziest thing you ever saw during one of your sets?
”At Defqon.1, we saw a guy in a spiderman outfit who stood the whole set with his hands over his face, at one moment i’m sure I saw him cry…
After the set he told us that he had never witnessed something like that, and that we should feel bad for almost killing him… lol.”
What is the most memorable experience of Rebelion in your opinion and why?
”Completely packing out the hangar for sure! The energy between the crowd and ourselves created a huge atmosphere. Hearing the whole hangar scream to one of your tracks is something that we will never forget, goosebumps!!!”
How would you describe your own music?
”Hard and energetic! We are always looking to experiment and push boundaries with Hardstyle, and that’s something Rebelion will never lose!”
Uprising will be the name of your debut album. How did the name ‘Uprising’ come into existence?
”We felt ‘Uprising’ fit the title of our album perfectly, we said from the beginning that we are going to put everything we have into this album and hopefully we can rise up through the scene to become one of the big names in Hardstyle.”
How did you invent the fist logo and what does it stand for?
”The fist logo with mainly through brainstorming, it stands for rebelling against the ‘Normal’ shit in life, standing out from the rest and being a true rebel in all aspects of life.”
You recently showed us that the album will be released as a USB release. Why did you guys chose for a USB release instead of a CD release?
”We both wanted to do something different other than a standard CD release, like every other album this year.. So the wristband USB fit perfectly, its something much more than album!
Yes there will be a digital release for each stage so keep an eye out for that! As for CD’s, we will maybe make a limited number but that idea isn’t 100% yet!”
Next to that, I’ve read that the release will come in stages. Could you tell us more about why the album will be released in stages, what the stages contain and how much time there will be between the stages.
”We decided the Stages were a really cool idea because every time we have both listened to an album, we had so many tracks to listen to at once so we only managed to find a few that really stand out. So releasing the stages 4 weeks apart, gives the listeners a chance to listen through 7 tracks and just when they are getting sick of those tracks, they are hit with another 7!!”
You’ve said yourself that ‘A-bomb’ is one of your favorite tracks of the album. Could you tell us why this track is so special for you guys?
”It is one of our favorites, because its a typical Rebelion style track. Hard kicks with huge drive throughout the whole track!”
There are already some collaborations on the first and second stage of the album. Can we expect more collaborations on the other stage and with who?
”Yes on stage 3 we have 2 collabs, with Malice and Delete, some real heavy Sh*t!!”
We’ve noticed that the members of Gearbox are very close and connected. Did this connection help you during the process of creating your album and how?
”Yes we are very close, its like a little family! Always having some guys there to show your new tracks to and get feedback from always helps the creative process. The guys on the label are very talented and know a lot about production. So always getting other people opinions help towards the final version of the track.”
The first possibility to buy the album is at This is Raw in Harders Plaza. Why did you choose this event for the album release?
”We chose this party because it was a Gearbox Edition, which means the true die hard fans would be there, which we knew all were excited about the album. The sales went amazingly well and were sold out in just 40 minutes!!”
Which event is at the top of your booking bucket list and why?
”It was Team Red Hard Bass, so we are so honored to have achieved that in such a short time! I guess now it has to be Defqon.1 mainstage and Qlimax. These are bookings that you only get when you are at the peak of your career and that will take a lot of hard work but that’s something that excites us!”
If you could collaborate with an artist right now, who would that be and why that artist?
”Radical Redemption for sure! He has been a huge inspiration for Rebelion and we think we would create a real bomb together!!”
What does the future hold for Rebelion?
”We have huge plans for 2017, keep an eye on our Facebook pages and keep attending our gigs to find out more..”
Are there any plans to move to the Netherlands in the future?
”We are currently in the process of moving right now actually, and hope to be living in the Netherlands in November!”