Destefanis Giulio en Calvino Simone zijn de mannen achter de maskers van de Italiaanse raw hardstyle act Krowdexx. De mannen zijn bezig met een serieuze opmars in de scene. Zo hebben zij onlangs getekend bij het groeiende label Gearbox Digital en staat één van hun tracks zelfs op de Hard Bass CD van 2017. Op deze prestaties mogen ze natuurlijk heel trots zijn, maar ze zijn nog lang niet klaar en zetten hun weg naar de top voort. Wij besloten deze heren wat vragen te stellen over het ontstaan van Krowdexx, de Italiaanse hardstyle scene en de plannen voor de toekomst.

First of all, thanks your for your mix for The Future of Hardstyle. Can you guys tell us more about your sound?
“We were born as euphoric hardstyle producers and this has had an important influence on our sound. We really like to include atmospheric breakdowns and melodies! We also love Epic music, our favourite artists are Ivan Torrent, Two Steps from Hell and obviously Hans Zimmer! Indeed, in most of our tracks we include orchestral sounds to give an epic feelings!”

How did you guys meet and who came up with the name Krowdexx?
“We were classmates in secondary school and after that in High school as well. Finding the alias “Krowdexx” has been a long process, we tested a lot of words combinations for one month to find a unique name. Finally, when we searched on the net the word Krowdexx and we didn’t find anything related, we said: Yes, it’s the right name!”

Hardstyle in Italy goes way back, what is your favorite Italian hardstyle track?
“Difficult question, but probably ‘Zatox & Dave Revan – Extreme’!”

A trademark of Krowdexx are the masks, why did you choose to wear those?
“Because we thought that creating an alternative brand/image would be more interesting. After this, we considered it an opportunity to create the graphic of the masks handcrafted in a way that no one can buy them! For this, we really want to thank you Gianluca for this masterpiece!”

Hardstyle can’t be the only thing in your lives. What do you guys do when you have free time?
“Free time!?! Ahah. But seriously, we haven’t had so much free time because we’re attending university, and the rest of the day we spend every hour in studio to improve our quality!”

You joined Gearbox last month. Was it a obvious choice?
“Yeah, we’re impressed about the friendship between the artists and the feelings that we had with the manager since the first time that we talked together. Also the amazing work that Pure Bookings made in 2016 has further strengthened our choice. This seemed the best place to continue our carrier.”

The biggest hardstyle events are in The Netherlands. How is the hardstyle scene in Italy?
“Not very nice, you can find Rawstyle and generally hard dance music in a few clubs. In these years some of the interesting projects, with many prospects for the future, were closed for various reasons. Probably, at the moment, ‘E-mission’ is the most important event in Italy, but we hope to see a lot of new events in the future.”

If you could pick one event to perform on, which event would it be?
“There are a lot of very nice festivals, but Hard Bass would be epic!!” 

What are your plans for the near future? Can we expect more tracks?
“Well, we already have some bookings confirmed in the Netherlands and TONS of new tracks ready, so stay updated on our Social Medias!”