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It’s been well over a year ago since High Voltage announced his Signs Of The Apocalypse album. The album was promising for a lot of people but it got delayed for quite some time. Due to personal circumstances, High Voltage wasn’t able to finish the album, so the release got postponed.  After this news came out, it remained quiet around him and the album for some time, but yesterday some new information came out about the album.

After sending out a little teaser a couple of weeks ago on Facebook, the very first album preview came online on his social media page yesterday evening. The message that came with the previews was short but clear: “Time for the Apocalypse”. He also put a date in the message, the 25th of July. This will probably be the date that the album will be released on his label Nightbreed Records.

That High Voltage even has the time to make an album is pretty remarkable. Besides his hardstyle alias he also has a hardcore alias called Nosferatu. That means he has two careers to maintain which takes a lot of time and effort.

What more to expect from the album is not yet clear. The date for the release is now set, so we will probably be able to listen to more album previews very soon. Keep on eye out for High Voltage’s social media pages if you want to stay up to date.

Photo’s: High Voltage