A dream comes true for many of their fans. D-Sturb & Radical Redemption are in the studio together. A photo appeared on Snapchat with the text: ”Studio time with
D-Sturb”. Their music is characterized by the heavy, rough and recognizable kicks.
Altogether, the expectations are high and we are really looking forward to the result.
Jorrit, known as D-sturb, is a talentful artist who became popular in a short amount of time. He captured many hearts during his period at Gearbox Digital with his hits ‘Before The Start’ & ‘Until It’s Gone’. In July it was time for the next step. He joined End Of Line Recordings, the label of Warface. His march has just been started.
Radical Redemption is a big and indispensable name in the scene. His career consists of many highlights with stacks of national and international gigs. Throughout the years, Radical created his own unique and much appreciated style. In addition, his own show is sold-out for the second time in a row.