Wouter de Vink
By Wouter de Vink

The Dutch government will have better news to report tomorrow than has been leaked so far for the culture and events sector. This is what the outgoing Minister of Education, Culture and Science Ingrid van Engelshoven informs Dutch TV show Goedemorgen Nederland.

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Van Engelshoven says that the Fieldlabs have been taken in account, the studies that looked at how festivals and events can be organized safely. She has been ‘in very close contact’ with the events sector about this to see how those lessons can be used for the new policy. “I am hopeful that tomorrow will go in the right direction, also for the events.”

The fact that the cabinet did not allow much this summer despite the Fieldlabs was largely due to the delta variant of the coronavirus, Van Engelshoven said on Friday. What has now changed and what plans the cabinet has for the relaxation, she did not explain. It is known that more corona tickets will be used, but perhaps a maximum number of visitors (up to 70% of a location, for example) is also possible. According to Ritty van Straalen (CEO of ID&T), there is ‘no reason at all anymore why indoor and outdoor events (including nightlife) cannot be allowed at full 100% capacity’.

Dutch events and festivals are allowed to take place again: details to be announced

The measures were informally discussed in the Catshuis yesterday, but the real official decisions will not be taken until tomorrow. What exactly this will mean for events like Supremacy will become clear later today or tomorrow.


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