Today, the Gearbox Digital label not only released Andy The Core’s Undisputed album, but also Gearbox presents Lockdown as a surprise! “If we’re going to be on Lockdown then we’re gonna need some new music. So here’s an album with 24 exclusive new tracks.” We talked to Phil from the label about the idea behind this Lockdown album. 

Gearbox presents Lockdown consists of 24 exclusive tracks from various artists, which they released as a surprise this morning. “We are fully supporting the Lockdown process to stop the spread of coronavirus, but we understand fully that this is difficult for fans of music who have a desperate desire to go out and party and listen to new music. We have decided to rush both releases through to help with easing the frustration of having to stay home.”

“We will then use the proceeds of the album to help out our artists who are feeling the effects of all the cancelled events worst”

Releasing an album like this gives artists a huge platform to showcase what they can do. For new talents like Code Crme, Mutilator, Deezl and more, it’s a great opportunity to be alongside the likes of Rebelion, Malice and Sickmode on an album released on Gearbox Digital. “And I think that is what makes this album so special, it opens up an opportunity for diehard fans of our biggest names to also check out these new talents who have all got something uniquely special.”

This is the ‘Gearbox presents Lockdown’ tracklist:

01. Sickmode – Emoji
02. Malice – Bring Me To Hell
03. Rebelion – B.T. T.F (Overdose Edit)
04. Fraw – Push Some Body
05. Code Crime – Bass Demon
06. Bright Visions – Games
07. Anderex & Deezl – New To The Game
08. Decim8 & Epidemic – Disconnected
09. Ncrypta – NXT LVL (Sickmode Remix)
10. The Straikerz – No Fighting
11. Luminite & Mc Focus – Final Countdown
12. Sins Of Insanity & Re-Mind – LIFE
13. I Giocatori – Engage
14. Krowdexx – Scream For Mercy (Avoc and Sickmode Remix)
15. Mish – First Blood
16. Murdock – The Antagonist
17. Sickmode & Fraw – Make You Freak
18. Invictuz – Epic Rage
19. Hardphonix – Ain’t A Game
20. Avoc – Ignore You
21. Mutilator – Burn In Hell
22. Arzadous & GVBRX – Get Louder
23. Deezl – Deamons
24. Insanatix – Go Insane

Phil continues by explaining how artists live booking by booking. “Guys like Malice & Sickmode who have moved to The Netherlands to pursue their dreams rely heavily on multiple bookings per month to make sure they have the means to live. Without bookings, they have little to no income.” This led to the idea of possibly making a CD out of the new Gearbox presents Lockdown album.

“Obviously, given that we wanted to release it as soon as possible, we were unable to organise a CD in this short time, and now we are unsure if the CD would have the same appeal if the album has already been released, so we will likely start a Go Fund Me campaign to see if it will generate the kind of interest that we hope that it will. We will then use the proceeds of the album to help out our artists who are feeling the effects of all the cancelled events worst.”

“Keep positive, support one another, follow the advice of your government and use your time wisely”

Last but not least Phil has a final word about the coronavirus and the situation we’re all facing. “I would just ask that everyone try their best to keep positive, support one another, follow the advice of your government and use your time wisely. Upcoming artists should knuckle down, get creative and put this time at home to good use. You may be seeing something else from us in the next few weeks as we have some great ideas that will excite upcoming producers. Nothing I can say now as it’s still just an idea we are working on, but I do hope we can make it happen!”

Keep an eye on the Gearbox socials to be kept updated on the latest news. Stay home, stay safe and #savethesummer!

Footage via Facebook-page Gearbox Digital