Little over two months Hard Driver released his latest track ‘Rampage’. In the meanwhile he had been posting pictures of him working hard in the studio. Now he finally revealed what he has been working on.

Because Hard Driver made an announcement yesterday. He stated that he’s working on a new project, called #NOSLEEP. The project consists of several things, like for instance multiple EP’s. That is great news, because it means we won’t have to wait too long for him to release a lot of new material. Besides that Hard Driver is also planning to do multiple studio livestreams. According to him there will be a lot more as well.

“The creative mind of a machine does not fail to the pain the body receives. The high octane project ‪#‎NOSLEEP‬ will challenge me and push me further than ever before. Sleep!? Haha… I’ll sleep when I’m dead!”

hard driver nosleep