The Intents Festival aftermovie again leaves a huge impression. Fans praise the visual business card online: a lightning-fast journey of the wonderful weekend in 10 minutes. “You outdo yourself time and time again, amazing!”

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We can say that the Intents aftermovie really is a thing every year. It is quite characteristic for the Oisterwijk festival: not just going for the standard, but looking for the challenge every time – with in the end an excellent result.

This year, tens of thousands of visitors came to the sold-out festival, which seems almost impossible to capture this packed weekend properly… An even larger mainstage, a packed indoor mainstage, an exhilarating Fanaticz and impressive endshows: for many, this was even the best Intents edition ever in 20 years of existence.

Since the last endshow, the team put in about 250 hours non-stop into the aftermovie in just 2 weeks. According to all responses, the outcome has been more than successful: with brand new music, interviews with artists who played an important role in the Kingdom of Unity (such as Rebelion, Vertile and the trio that made their debut on the mainstage) and even AI comes into play. “This is already the best aftermovie of 2023.”

“Relive the Royal celebration of 20 Years Intents Festival!”

After 10 minutes of joy, the aftermovie refers to next year. Intents Festival 2024 takes place from Friday 31 May to Sunday 2 June: be there and register in advance via “Pre-register now for your adventure to Aurora!”

Omslagfoto via Facebook-pagina Intents Festival