“I’m really excited for the upcoming year. I’ve already got some big things to show you really soon”, Level One said a few days ago via his socials. It has now become clear what the raw hardstyle artist was referring to with this message: Level One joins Scantraxx Silver. “Proud to tell you that I’ve joined the Scantraxx family!”

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Scantraxx, one of the biggest labels within hardstyle, also said they were happy to attract Level One to the label: “We’re proud to have signed this talented DJ to Scantraxx Silver.” The hardstyle DJalready has already played at events such as Intents Festival, REBiRTH Festival, Shockerz and he recently had the honor to close the second area of Live For This.

In addition to the fact that from now on Level One will release his music at Scantraxx, they also provided some information about his first release at the label: “A bright future is ahead of this lad as we release his first track ‘Temple of Sin’, which is out this friday.”

Level One’s ‘Temple of Sin’ will be released on Scantraxx this week

Level One’s ‘Temple of Sin’ can also be pre-ordered via the official Scantraxx website. For more information, keep an eye on the socials of Level One and the label.

Footage taken from Facebook page Level One / Wanyama-photo