The 18th of November this year will be entirely focused on Qlimax: Temple of Light. This event is known for her magical performances of the biggest hardstyle DJ’s in the scene. The location is like usually in the Gelredome. Despite the fact that the line-up hasn’t been revealed yet, also this years edition, like previous years, was completely sold out.
Lucky for us, the wait is almost over. Qlimax recently announced on Facebook that the line-up will be revealed step-by-step during the next days. So, it’s finally up to discover what is waiting for us on the 18th of November. The next artists have been revealed so far:
• TNT aka Technoboy & Tuneboy
• D-Block & S-te-Fan
• Wildstylez
• Da Tweekaz
• Noisecontrollers & Atmozfears
• Frequencerz
• Sub Zero Project
• Gunz for Hire
• N-Vitral
On the 12th of September D-Block & S-te-Fan released their new album, better known as Antidote. The album is full of new tracks with the typical style as DBSTF produces it. During their act at Qlimax you’ll be able to witness many of their new album tracks.
Then, TNT has been announced as well. This team consists out of Tuneboy and Technoboy. Both DJ’s have been present in the scene for years, so their name has already been settled. In 2010 TNT held their first performance at Qlimax. With their spaceoutfits they stole the whole show in the Gelredome. Recent years, the artists performed individually at Qlimax as well, but unfortunately not as TNT. So, the return at this edition will bring back memories and good times for sure!
Also Da Tweekaz confirmed they will be playing at this years edition of Qlimax. This is going to be the first edition that the Norish artists will perform. Although that Da Tweekaz is known for their happy melodical tracks, the duo has also proven this year to be capable of producing rawstyle. Together with Sub Zero Project they created the track called ´DRKNSS´ some months ago. The succes of this track and other tracks made it possible to be featured on the Qlimax line-up of this year.
Then, a special act will take place during Qlimax. Noisecontrollers announced that he will be playing a set with Atmozfears. By posting a Facebook-video, both artists mentioned the following: ”Take part in the ritual”. The added video obviously included the Qlimax intro. Both artists have already performed together in the past and have created some own tracks. A while ago, Noisecontrollers started his new label, named as Spirit of Hardstyle. Atmozfears is also a member of this upcoming label. More information about this and their new releases is previewed here.
Also Frequencerz announced to be playing on Qlimax as well. The DJ’s are commonly known for their ‘euphorical rawstyle’. On the 30th of September, Frequencerz presented their new act, called ‘Stealth Mode’ at Supremacy. Who knows what their act at Qlimax will bring us all..
Last year, Sub Zero Project didn’t know what they exactly wanted in the hardstyle scene. But, this year they found out that ‘euphorical rawstyle’ is their destiny. More and more interest has been developed and tracks as ‘The Project‘ and ‘Ready For This’ are played at almost every event. On the 18th of November their tracks will be featured as well, since it has been officially announced that Sub Zero Project will be a part of this years edition of Qlimax.
In the meantime it has also been revealed that Gunz For Hire will perform during Qlimax. The DJ’s already performed at the edition of 2011. At that time they also created the anthem together with MC Ruffian, which is known as ‘Immortal‘. As that Gunz For Hire has a dark theme with them they will fit perfectly within the Qlimax line-up this year again.
The next announced artist, better known as Wildstylez, is extremely popular and every year he some how fits in the line-up of the event. Currently he is producing a brand new track together with Headhunterz and Noisecontrollers. There is a chance that the collaboration on the 18th of November will be played during the huge soundsystem of the Gelredome.
The last artist, who probably will also play the last set of the night, is N-Vitral. This talented DJ has settled his name in the hardcore scene recently, with tracks as ‘Bassface‘, ‘Crispy Bassdrum‘ and ‘Hard Energy‘. So, if you’re coming to Qlimax, better prepare yourself for some ‘crispy bassdrums’!
In order to give you an early Qlimax impression, here is this years trailer: