From day one, everything MC DL has done as a host MC, writer and vocalist, is built on the foundations of LOVE for the harder styles in electronic dance music. Now, after a decade of sharing his passion with this community he calls family, on stage and through music, it’s time to show the world who he is… And he wants to know who YOU are!

Share your token of LOVE on social media with ‪#‎YGTL‬ and maybe he’ll pick your token, visit you at home, at school or at your favorite hangout and give you two guest list tickets to a party he performs at…

Your token could be anything, and that means absolutely anything!! It can be a photo with you and your partyfriends or your bedroomwall with memorabilia, your alltime favorite hardstyle track, a lyric, a dance video… You name it and he’ll LOVE it!! Go crazy and share it!!

If he picks your token he’ll come and visit you wherever you like, have a drink and chat with you and reveal what party you are going to!!

check and watch all the LOVE being shared!!