Out of nowhere, several artists have posted a photo or video with a mysterious message. These posts all lead to a page that goes by the name of Lord Hades, but who or what is this?

A video, containing a buffalo with a branded sign in his head, together with a phone number – that’s what the hardstyle followers get to see since yesterday. It seemed like the internet was about to explode when this clip appeared on the socials from the following DJs:

  • Warface
  • Rebelion
  • Delete
  • Malice
  • Ncrypta
  • Killshot
  • Deadly Guns
  • F.Noize
  • N-Vitral
  • DRS

“This is Hades. Join the brotherhood, send a WhatsApp message to +31617083507”
, is what a mysterious voice says in the video. Those who actually send a message, are added to a WhatsApp group that’s called ‘Brotherhood’ and it seems like this is filled with curious fans. With several hints shared in the group – just as on social media – about the identity of Lord Hades, also known as ‘the god of the underworld’. But who the hell is this?

Can we assume this is a person, or is it a bigger project where many DJs are involved with? The first clue about this secret is already given: “In this era fake news is king, but we are all seeking the truth.” Besides that, a photo of Sefa was placed on the page where he’s holding a canvas, with the same buffalo head as in the original video…

Who or what is Lord Hades?

It’s not clear who or what is behind this secret, but it seems like we’re dealing with something big. To stay up to date about the clues about this mystery, go to the community page of Lord Hades on Facebook.

Photo by Facebook page Lord Hades