Defqon.1 is without a doubt the most famous and biggest harder styles festival in the world. Therefore, any upcoming news concerning the next event are getting soaked up by ten thousands of fans. Just now, Q-dance has revealed the first information: here’s the date and the theme for Defqon.1 2020.
It’s the highlight of the festival season for many ravers and on the bucket list for most people who come in touch with hard dance music. It attracts ten thousands of visitors from all around the world, with some people flying half around the globe just to be part of this legendary event. The organisation has just shared the first information about the new edition: date, theme and the begin of the member sale registration are out. The countdown for Defqon.1 2020 has now begun.
Defqon.1 2020 will take place on 26th, 27th and 28th June, of course again in Biddinghuizen. The theme of the particular edition is always expressed through the design of the stages, the decoration, the anthem and the whole feeling of the festival experience. After Victory Forever (2017), Maximum Force (2018) and One Tribe (2019), Defqon.1 2020 will happen under the motto: Primal Energy.
As usual, the personal interpretation of the theme is from some point on up to each visitor. Primal Energy, the life energy that keeps you going and pushes you forward. Is it the gathering of friends? Experiencing shows among a crowd of people, who’s heart beats at 150 BPM and above, just like yours? Escaping reality for a few days and just enjoying life? Howsoever Q-dance will embrace the theme Primal Energy, weekend warriors have at least one thing in common for sure: the love for the harder styles and expressing this by partying on the holy grounds of Defqon.1 on the last weekend in June.
Defqon.1 2020 – Primal Energy
Defqon.1 takes place in Biddinghuizen from 26th until 28th June 2020. The registration for the member sale starts on 20th February 2020 on the official Q-dance website. Remember you have to be registered in order to be able to buy tickets. You can also keep an eye on Defqon.1’s socials to receive all the latest news.
Footage via Facebook page Defqon.1