A collaboration between raw hardstyle duo Rebelion and MC Livid led to a brand new act: Rebel[ut]ion. After three exclusive performances this year, the men are now hinting at the release of a free album. 

After their debut at Q-Base, Rebel[ut]ion played at Defqon.1 this year, after which they performed at ST8MENT and last weekend at the Australian Knockout – Games of Destiny. After doing the promised three exclusive performances this year, Rebelion just announced via an Instagram Story there might be a free Rebel[ut]ion album coming our way.

Is there a Rebel[ut]ion debut album in the works?

Whether they will actually release a free album, we shall have to wait and see. For more information, you can keep an eye on Rebelion and MC Livid their socials.

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Footage via Facebook-pagina MC Livid