Eternal 2024

Sefa proves he’s still on a roll in the harder styles with his long-awaited third album. With the fascinating Het Ergste Moet Nog Komen, the 24-year-old producer encourages the listener to listen to music in a different way. With a full orchestra and choir, the Dutchman provides a fascinating musical spectacle outside the Sefa taste than people are used to.

ALSO READ: Sefa’s Spotlight at Defqon.1 keeps people busy: what happened exactly?

Where you see producers around you wanting to score on the dancefloor with two-minute tracks, Sefa is clearly taking a different path with his latest work. His Spotlight endshow at Defqon.1 last summer and even a full blown game now appear to be just a teaser of an extensive project – that can finally be heard as of today. It is clear that Het Ergste Moet Nog Komen (“the worst is yet to come”) builds on the continuity of the previous albums Leven = Lijden and Klaagzang – which also made a big impression on the scene.

Sit back and relax: Het Ergste Moet Nog Komen is not just for the dancefloor, but especially for your brain

Sefa gets straight to the point by kicking off this album with the self-recorded (or rather screamed) vocals. Of the 16 available tracks, 13 had not yet been released (to this day) – a unique rarity in today’s world of packed release schedules and complex algorithms. Complicated time signatures, instruments such as trumpets and four different languages ​​(English, French, Latin and Dutch) are just a few of the features on Het Ergste Moet Nog Komen.

The album is a must-listen for every lover of harder styles. Why would you hire a metropolitan orchestra anyway? The pushed-up piano on the cover, for example, refers to the story of ‘Sisyphus’: one of the many track titles that instinctively tends towards an extensive search on Google.

metropole orkest sefa album

The music continues to fill in the story for the listener, while the long breaks such as ‘Symphony Of Life’ fly by due to the musical approach. This euphoric successor with D-Block & S-te-Fan and the emotional ‘Justify’ (which refers to addiction problems) are, in our opinion, the eye-catchers of Het Ergste Moet Nog Komen. However, the story is only complete when you have listened to this album for almost an hour.

‘An album with which Sefa shows that he dares to step out of the box’

Sefa – Het Ergste Moet Nog Komen can now be listened to via Spotify and all other well-known platforms. This album offers the opportunity to explore deeper and understand what it is all about.

Footage via Sefa