It all started a couple of weeks ago. Noisecontrollers, Bass Modulators, Atmozfears and Audiotricz all posted some mysterious images on their social media pages which were clearly connected with each other. Soon after, it became clear that it had something to do with ‘The Spirit Of Hardstyle’. But what does that mean exactly? No one could know it for sure, but last night the redeeming answer was given during a live Q&A session on Facebook where all the acts where present.

Spirit Of Hardstyle is a new label consisting of Noisecontrollers, Bass Modulators, Atmozfears and Audiotricz. The concept that is the Spirit Of Hardstyle was created by Noisecontrollers as a solo project, but decided to involve the other acts as well. Their mission is to produce quality hardstyle and help each other in pursuing that ideal.

18893339_1106477866150831_1295369051330439872_nBesides the big news that these 4 acts are starting a label together, some more interesting news came out. In the near future, there will be a Spirit Of Hardstyle album coming your way and all of the above mentioned acts will be working on it. This was supposed to be a new Noisecontrollers album, but now this is going to be group project of the new label. At the end of the Q&A livestream the first previews appeared online. In this video you can hear the previews of 4 solo track by all the acts separately and one NCBM (Noisecontrollers & Bass Modulators) track.

Some more very exiting news was told during the stream which will hype all the true Weekend Warriors out there. They didn’t tell us their exact plans, but what they did say is that they have a ‘little’ surprise during the Friday of Defqon.1. The Gathering takes place on this day and Noisecontrollers and Bass Modulators are already featured on the line-up. It’s likely to presume that Audiotricz and Atmozfears will also pay a little visit . Will there be a Spirit Of Hardstyle showcase? Only time will tell for Defqon.1 is only one week away.

Apart from all this amazing news, they declared that a lot of new music is coming very soon. They also told us that some new collabs are planned and that new previews will appear online on their social media pages. So if you don’t want to miss out on any news surrounding the Spirit Of Hardstyle, make sure to follow their pages.

Photo’s: Spirit Of Hardstyle