On the 21th of this year, a new edition of ST8MENT will occur, named as´Illuminate The Darkness´. This event is known for the great ratio between a very good atmosphere combined with a small-average indoorarea. Besides that, the line-up is pretty amazing as well. So, there will be major differences compared to previous editions.

First of all, ST8MENT changed their location. The organisation decided to move the party from the Effenaar to Aquabest in Eindhoven. And there is a reason behind their transfer of location. This terrain suits better for upcoming edition. Since Aquabest is way bigger, it will also provide more space for three times as many visitors as before.

Next, the event will not only expand its size in space, also the number of artists will increase. Therefore, almost four times more DJ’s than last year will perform during the party. For an impression of all the artists, read the line-up below:

  • B-Frontliner LIVE
  • Ran-D vs Phuture Noize
  • Adaro
  • Hard Driver LIVE
  • D-Sturb vs Sub Sonik
  • Sub Zero Project
  • Requiem
  • Rooler vs Luminite
  • Unresolved vs Jason Payne
  • Rebelion vs Apexx
  • Clockartz LIVE
  • Bass Chaserz LIVE
  • Prefix & Density
  • MC: Dash

As you may see, ST8MENT consists of various liveacts you can attend. One of them is Clockartz. This duo will perform ‘LIVE’ this time. In an earlier message, they mentioned something extraordinary. This time they will add special influences to their musicstyle. This includes experimenting with techno, older hardstyle, minimal and everything else that’s ‘cool’ based on their opinions. Besides that, the act of B-Frontliner LIVE is outstanding as well. Their act will be the second time in 2017 that they play together.

Also, numberous B2B sets will be performed, including the one of Rebelion vs Apexx. Their performance will be very unique, since all of them are from Scotland and their act together is yet te be unseen. So, if you’re one of those Gearbox fanatics, you should definitely check them out. Or, for those who prefer even harder kicks, you should visit the performance of Rooler vs Luminite. But, be aware of the possibility that your ears will be seriously damaged afterwards.

Then, the organisation also reviewed the time-schedule of ST8MENT. The party kicks of at 01.00PM in the afternoon and ends at 01.00AM at night. That means you will have twelve hours long to witness the most awesome rawstyle there is. And if you have read correctly, you definitely saw that the event will occur during daytime in comparison to the recent editions.

Besides that, because of the larger terrainfacility, there will be a greater show, cooler stagedesign and more FX than ever before. Buy your tickets now for only €29,50.