It has been some time ago since Theracords launched the ‘The Opposition’ project. It all started with several live acts at events like Rebirth Festival and Beat The Bridge and after that it became clear that an album was also part of the movement. The album release party will take place on the 9th of June at club Epic in Tilburg. Every Theracords artist will be present during this event: Thera, Caine, Invector, Beatfreak, Resist, Psyched, Project Exile, Retaliation and T.C.C. (Theracords Classics Collective).

Like Dj Thera announced before hand, every single Theracords artist has had its own input on the album. 16 tracks are featured on the album: 10 are solo tracks and 6 are collabs between Theracords artists. There are also 4 tracks on the album with the name ‘The Opposition’. These tracks are all made by different artists. In another article Thera already told us that this album will tell a story, so this will probably be linked with these tracks.

tracklist the opposition albumPhoto’s: Dj Thera & Invector