The Fusion family expanded with the arrival of a new duo. Deluzion is an act that consists of Bart van den Hanenberg & Max Lenssen. The act was established in October 2015. This was a result of the good connection both had with each other. Deluzion began with a blast by winning two contests in the first month. Subsequently, their first track ‘Forever More’ got supported by Primefire in the Gearbox Radioshow of November 2015.

Lately, Deluzion became more and more popular because of their track ‘FCKN CRMNL’. The track gained support by artists such as Adaro & 3 The Hard Way. An official preview of the first official release will be posted later today by Fusion.

The new act of Fusion won the X-Qlusive B-Front remix contest in January, whereby they were allowed to perform on X-Qlusive B-Front. Next to that, the duo performed on many other events such as Decibel outdoor, Shockerz & Titan The One Who Knocks.
