Wouter de Vink
By Wouter de Vink

Frequencerz is going to stop after the next year. The Hardstyle duo have just announced that they will be doing one last year of The Last Run to say goodbye to all the fans and events – kicking off with the Relive stage at Intents Festival this weekend.

READ ALSO: Frequencerz surprises massive mainstage with 20 Years of Intents special

Niels Koster and Pepijn Hol, better known as the Frequencerz, have decided to hang up the headphones. The duo started over 15 years ago and broke through with big hits such as ‘Bitch’ and ‘Revolution’ and achieved a lot of highlights during their career. Such as the anthems for Intents Festival, Defqon.1 and worldwide performances – they have been showing ‘the Power of the Wolfpack’ everywhere.

“We want to stop on our peak,” Frequencerz announces in their farewell. With several albums to their name, successful live acts with B-Freqz and groundbreaking records, they have managed to leave a considerable mark on the genre. “A lot of great years, but we are now going to focus on other things.” Niels continues in his software & AI company and Pepijn remains in music: also in the field of hardstyle (but what exactly is not yet known). “We’re saying goodbye until the summer of 2025 during The Last Run.”

Frequencerz announce farewell: “One last year”

This Sunday the 2nd of June 2024, the men of Frequencerz will perform their first performance of their farewell series. At 18:00 they will be on the classics stage (Relive) of Intents Festival – more information about The Last Run will follow soon. We wish Niels and Pepijn all the best in the future of their careers.


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Footage via Intents Festival


  • General Fangirl 15 June 2024 - 14:27

    I asked the adults about Frequencerz. They told me that they launched their career on Global Hardstyle Forum (Hard.FM) and Fear.FM, specifically with the group Hard Onez, and that it was great years overall, notably thanks to Jumpstyle.

    They also told me that Pepjin intends to make a Germanic parody of “The Hakkenman”, a cool and fun character created by a person that Hardstyle people have stolen and assault a lot over the last 4 years.

    They think it’s a bad idea because the people of Hardstyle and similar Germanic parody names like Gabber, Frenchcore, Uptempo, Euphoric, etc. in general are neither cool nor fun, and that it will be underwhelming like another stolen thing called Gezellige Uptempo.

  • hussein 01 July 2024 - 21:12

    علاج دوالي الساقين

    علاج دوالي الساقين يتضمن مجموعة من الخيارات التي تهدف إلى تخفيف الأعراض، تحسين المظهر، ومنع تطور الحالة. تبدأ العلاجات عادةً بأساليب غير جراحية مثل ارتداء الجوارب الضاغطة التي تساعد على تحسين تدفق الدم وتقليل التورم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يُنصح المرضى بتغيير نمط الحياة من خلال ممارسة التمارين الرياضية بانتظام، الحفاظ على وزن صحي، وتجنب الوقوف أو الجلوس لفترات طويلة.


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