This fall the battle of the titans will emerge. Under the regime of Titan multiple Raw and divine artists will be released into the arena. They will have to fight in order to find out who can play the biggest RAW-set. Hard News did some research, because who is Titan actually and what can we expect from the approaching Titanomachy?

George Pinas was 11 years old when he discovered a Thunderdome tape which he wore out on his cassette deck. Slowly but surely his interests moved from listening to music, to entertaining people with his vision on Hardcore and everything that would fit within the Hard Dance Music.

The video where you tease your album, drag a guy along and chain him. It’s really rough!
~ Yeah it’s cool huh? I really loved doing that. The music and the atmosphere with my new live-act Titanomachy turned out exactly as I had hoped.

How close is that rough character to yourself? Because I’m sitting next to a perfectly relaxed guy.
~ Well, I’m pretty calm in my ‘normal life’, so it’s actually a lot of fun to become an entire different person as an artist. It’s not always easy to stand in front of an audience. I mean, it was pretty nerve-wrecking to out from behind my decks and really make contact with the audience.

I could imagine so, and when you get into the role of Titan it gets a lot easier. Because it’s a part of you as a person, but there is also some distance.
~ Exactly. It makes things a lot easier. I can rage all I want and go completely insane from the moment the music takes me away. I won’t hold back and give everything back to the audience. It’s that moment when the magic happens.  As an artist it gives me an incredible amount of energy!

And it brings Titanomachy. I’ve done some research and it seems that Titanomachy is a mythical battle between the old Gods from the Greek mythology and the titans that wanted to become the new Gods on mount Olympus. How does dit myth translate to your act and theme?
~ I will enter the arena and fight other greats within the Hard- and RAWstyle. You will find out who those greats are during the Titonomachy itself, so I won’t spoil who I’ve challenged. That way people will be surprised with something unique which fits me perfectly.

I’ve always had a big interest for history and mythology. That’s why I chose Titanomachy. It’s also the absolute highlight of my musical career. My own theme, completely focussed on Titan and the Gods.

I think you’ve created more of a fashionable God, how did you make the special outfit for your live-act?
~ That’s actually a very funny story. I’ve bought my first leather jacket at H&M. At the next clothing store I bought a bag of studs and other metals and I went home to put it all together. I kept on working until I was completely satisfied with the result.

I once signed up for the AmFi (Amsterdam Fashion Institute), because that was my other dream. Something that has to do with fashion. But in order to get accepted I had to do some assignments for the admissions. That was when I quit, because I was under the impression that you had to be creative and not be someone that had to show some tricks when ordered to.

Very recognizable. When you’re able to do something, people keep asking you to show it to them. Like; Oh you play records and make music? Make a sound for us.
~ Yeah! Or when you’re at a nice party and people immediately assume that you’re very rich, or have your own plane, where your Ferrari is and who you know within the scene.

While I really focus on music because that’s what I like most. And the fact that I get rewarded with success and people that like my music, well that’s just a great bonus. My goal is primarily to entertain people.

I believe that’s the right attitude. Having fun during your performances or when you’re making music is not something you can fake, because people will notice.
~ And that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. Transferring the ‘fun’. Giving people an awesome night out and showing that I’m there for my audience.

Besides that you’ve also got a Supersized RAW especially for you. Besides that you also have a brand-new album coming out ánd an awesome live-act.
~ And it will be a massive edition of Supersized! I really dig the MadMax-atmosphere, so you can expect something in that direction. But I won’t spoil too much of course. You can expect to get entertained and become a spectator of a mythical battle of the titans!

Titan is hosting his own Suspersized Raw on September 20th in the Factory 010 in Rotterdam. The line-up consists of nothing but Raw Greats who are worthy opponents in the battle of the titans this night!

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