Even though QAPITAL only came to and end just a few hours ago, we can already start looking forward to the next Q-dance event. During QAPITAL, Q-dance announced the arrival of a brand new festival: IMPAQT – Festival of Titans.
ALSO READ: Q-dance reveals information about the event that will replace Q-BASE
There are loads of speculations about what the new festival IMPAQT will exactly be. Of course one of the most talked about options is that this event might be the replacement for Q-BASE: the night festival which officially came to an end last year. Earlier, Q-dance announced there would definitely be a replacement for this popular event.
Lately Q-dance has been announcing a lot of new events: they presented the arrival of the Kingsnight event Heel Holland Hakt only a few weeks ago, and they even introduced a brand new uptempo event Alles Hier Is Tempo. Now, IMPAQT already is the third addition to this list.
“They are coming. Brace yourself for IMPAQT”
When IMPAQT 2019 – Festival of Titans will take place, whether it truly is the replacement for Q-BASE and what kinds of harder styles you’ll find at the event, all isn’t known yet. To be kept updated about IMPAQT, you can keep an eye on the new Facebook-page of the event.
Footage via Facebook-page Q-dance