Warface has dedicated his set on Dance4Liberation to Ryan Biggs, better known as Delete, who passed away last week. Prior to the first records, the End of Line DJ took a moment to dedicate some nice words to his deceased friend & colleague: “May you rest in peace.”
READ: Public favorite Delete passed away
The hardstyle world is still in disbelieve: last week the sudden news came that the beloved Delete is no longer with us. Since then, social media has been full of statements of support: the scene misses the Australian producer and DJ enormously.
Many fans and artists have been touched by the loss of Delete and this week Dance4Liberation was the first opportunity everyone saw each other again on the dancefloor. Even before Warface pressed the play button to start his set, the End of Line DJ and Villain grabbed the microphone for an impressive tribute to Ryan. “You were one of a kind.”
The Hardstyle scene shows its strength in messages of support for late legend Delete
Delete has made quite the mark in the genre during his career. His family in Australia started a fundraiser to give the beloved hardstyle DJ a dignified farewell in his own country, raising an impressive amount of over $40,000 within hours. “You’re Unstoppable.”
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